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119 results in Support

What are the benefits of using a custodian?

At Superhero, we could follow the legacy brokers and use the system the ASX is desperately trying to replace. Instead, we carefully selected a custodian model to serve our customers better. Here’s…

What is a CHESS-sponsored trade?

The term “CHESS-sponsored trades” has been bandied around by marketing teams of various brokers but what does this term actually mean? CHESS stands for Clearing House Electronic Subregister System. Basically, it’s a…

Why is my deposit being blocked by my bank?

Recently, there have been instances of fraud in the New Zealand banking system, which are unrelated to Superhero. Unfortunately, we’ve become aware that ASB Bank may have blocked certain accounts, including some…

What is a U.S. Publicly Traded Partnership (PTP) and how are these securities taxed?

A U.S. publicly traded partnership (PTP) is a business organisation owned by two or more co-owners whose shares are regularly traded on an established securities market. Section 1446(f) of the U.S. Internal…

How do I trade AU Securities?

To trade AU shares, you will first need to transfer NZD into AUD in your Superhero Wallet. Once you have transferred NZD to AUD, you can trade AU shares by searching for…

What ID will I need to open an account?

During the account setup process, you will be prompted to take a clear photograph of your Passport or ID card for verification purposes.  You will also be prompted to take a clear…

Can I trade ASX shares on weekends and public holidays?

The stock market is only open Monday to Friday, not on weekends or public holidays. You can still place a trade with Superhero on the weekend or on a public holiday but…

How do I set a stop loss order with Superhero?

Choose a holding from your portfolio and set ‘Order Type’ to ‘Stop Loss Order’. Set the trigger price. This is the price at or below which your shares or ETF units will…

What is a stop loss order?

A stop loss order is an order to commence selling a stock once the share price reaches a specified price, known as the ‘stop’ or ‘trigger’ price.  When the ‘stop’ or ‘trigger’…

What are recurring orders?

Recurring orders allow you to schedule automatic buy order(s) on a regular schedule.  You can set up a recurring order for any share or ETF (Australian or U.S.) on the Superhero platform:…