What is the difference between a market order and a limit order?

Market order

When you invest in shares, you have the option to submit a market order or a limit order to initiate a trade. These orders are essentially offers to buy or sell a chosen investment. Remember a share market is just that: a market in which buyers are exchanging shares with sellers and vice-versa. Each side…

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What is an ETF?

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a managed investment fund that contains a basket of assets, which might include shares, bonds, commodities or more. So when you invest in an ETF, that one transaction gives you a stake in multiple assets. Some ETFs double as ‘index funds’, which are ETFs that mimic the performance of an…

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What is an IPO?

What is an IPO?

An initial public offering (IPO) can be one of the most exciting events on a stock exchange as a company opens itself up to potential shareholders around the world. But what is it and why might it interest investors?  What is an IPO? There are broadly speaking two types of companies: publicly-listed and private ones….

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What is a Stop Loss order?

Stop loss

Superhero investors can now use ‘stop loss’ orders to limit losses and minimise their downside risk. Let’s dive in now to discover what they do, and how investors can make the most of them. What is a stop loss order and how do they work? Stop loss orders are most commonly used by investors to…

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How to auto invest with Superhero

If you need a hand sticking to your investing goals and want to auto invest, Superhero has a new feature for you. Superhero users are able to set up recurring orders to keep you and your investments on track. You can use the recurring orders feature to regularly invest in your favourite company or ETF….

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When do I get paid my dividends?

what is ex-dividend?

Who is eligible to receive dividends? Any shareholder in a dividend-paying company – whether they own shares directly or via an exchange-traded fund (ETF) – can expect to receive one as long as they owned the shares before the ex-dividend date. What does ex-dividend mean?  Every company has a set day called an ex-dividend (or…

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How does T+2 trading and settlement work?

How does T+2 trading and settlement work?

If you’ve been investing or looking to, you may have come across T+2 trading and settlement. Commonly used across markets, it refers to how long it takes for investors to take ownership of their shares. Let’s explain. What is T+2 trading and settlement? Every time you buy or sell a share or an ETF on…

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Your no-nonsense guide to common investing jargon

The share market can be a great place to build wealth but investment jargon can often leave first-time investors confused. For example, what exactly is an ETF?  To make your life easier, we’ve created a list of the most common investing jargon you’re likely to encounter. By the time you make it to the end,…

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There are 11 investment sectors on the share market. This is what moves them.

Different investment sectors

We often talk about the ‘market’ as a whole but in reality it’s a sum of its different sectors. Each stock market sector groups together individual companies and helps investors understand specific movements and trends.  Today we’re going to briefly explain the 11 main sectors, what they are and the factors that help push them…

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What is dollar-cost averaging?

While no one knows for certain whether a share price will go up or down, dollar-cost averaging helps investors hedge their bets over time. Here’s how the investment strategy works. How to dollar-cost average All investors want to buy low, just as they hope one day to sell high. However, that’s easier said than done….

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How to use ETFs to diversify your portfolio

Diversification is when you spread your investment risk by buying across different asset classes, sectors and markets. The theory goes that this will make your portfolio less vulnerable to swings in the market, as you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket. So when one investment performs poorly, another could be doing well –…

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5 different types of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and products

ETFs have become increasingly popular in recent years to become almost synonymous with all kinds of fund-like products. However, investors should be careful not to conflate them, with exchange-traded products (ETPs) representing a broad church of different investments.  For investors starting out in the market, it pays to know the difference. What is an ETP?…

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